

Plum - With You




Rumania - Imán & Cósima

Dirección de fotografía y color: Ivan Palazzo Caputo Asistente de dirección: Ezequiel Raad Asistente de cámara: Ramiro Gossn Foto fija: Fiona Saftich Diseño de tapa: Cósima Fricke Maquillaje: Makeup by Tiago Vestuario: Miuki Madelaire





Digital plants laboratory based on the work of Luigi Serafini.




ANAÏS MVA - 24 Février

Productrice: Agnès Boulard Coordinateur de Production: Matthieu Fusil Assistant de Production: Maël Dufossé 1er Assistant Réalisateur Jacques Mady Directeur de la photographie: Piotr Lebryk 1er Assistant opérateur: Henri Cosson Chef électricien: Ulysse Branchereau Electricienne: Philomène le Palud Electricien: Luc Desprez Chef Machiniste: Jean Le Gouill Machiniste: Lucas Detry Set Designer: System F Make Up Artist: Julie Coone Assistante make up: Lea Villalobos Styliste: Roxane Noel 1er Assistante styliste: Anais N’Diaye 2nd Assistant styliste: Maël Charton Régisseur Général: Mathurin Pezon Régisseur Adjoint: Hughues Lequippe Assistant Régie: Kevin Ozcan Assistant Régie: Clement Chouleur Monteur: Morgan Mirza Assistant monteur: Aymerick Le Bouquin VFX: Infinite_VFX / LLLL studio Etalonneuse: Inès Henry-Manceau Assistant étalonneur: Alexandre Queyrous




Mushkaa, Bad Gyal - SexeSexy

Directors @souto___ @jordilops Editor @jordilops Producer @paulafarelo DOP @puxxoo Stylist Mushkaa @bertapermanyeer Stylist Bad Gyal @albamelendo Bad Gyal HMU @venusplastik Colorist @juliarossetticolor Graphics @cesarxce Focus Puller @lecucu_ 2 AC @miquelpons.jpg Gaffer @nicolau.alvarez Photographers @natalia.cornudella Production Assistant @janaguanyabens Stylist Assistant @hugolatorrer Costurera: @cuchifritta Runners @queeeeeeeel @rogeergrau_ @gatafreda




Depeche Mode - People Are Good

1st AD: Chris Kelly Location Manager: Mike Glynn Production Manager: Milo Beyts Casting Director: Leann Flinn Movement Director: Mikey Boateng Stylist: Ellie Walker HMUA: Dasha Taivas Grip: Jem Morton Phantom Operator: Jason Berman Edit House: Stitch Post Production: Black Kite VFX Lead: Jack Stone Directors Rep: Joceline Gabriel, Camille Semprez Creative Director: Anton Corbijn Columbia Records: Saul Levitz




Justice - Neverender (Starring Tame Impala)

Made with electric signal on a 1981 oscilloscope




Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger




BELLBOY - La neige

Aide à l'animation Laura Passalacqua Tamerlan Bekmurzayev Simon Cadilhac Produit par Remembers




KREAM - Arrakis




((( 0 ))) - 42




Max Cooper - Cardano Circles

Warning: Contains flashing images Max Cooper: Recently I was asked to make a new live show based around Italy for a festival with that theme, so I delved into some historic Italian music and science for the Seme (Seed) project. One idea I came across was Gerolamo Cardano’s “Cardano Circles” system from around 1570. I love how it continuously turns straight lines into circles (it was part of early printing press technology). I wanted to present variants of this idea and started chatting to animator / coder Mario Carrillo about a video sequence, while I also came up with a musical interpretation. The music was an attempt at a simple beautiful system in line with the basic visual system we were working with. When the music was ready Mario took the visuals into beautiful new realms building on the initial idea, and we chatted a lot about how to connect his various visual systems to the Cardano Circles, and provide lots of opportunity for getting lost in some beautiful emergent abstraction. So yeah, that’s it for this one, I hope you enjoy it, thanks for having a look and a listen as always. Video artist: Mario Carrillo The concept known as “Cardano Circles”, named after the Italian mathematician Gerolamo Cardano, involves arranging circles in a straight line, each at varying angles, and traversing this alignment at different phases. Depending on the number of circles and the phase angle, this mechanism results in circular motion emerging from what would otherwise be linear movement.This simple and yet elegant concept evolved into a visual system designed to explore the aesthetic possibilities inherent in the idea. What if motion and color persist over time, giving rise to new emergent forms? What if varying the phase angle produces shapes beyond circles? And what if these circles were arranged in a grid rather than a Cardano system, numbering in the tens of thousands that swarm new patterns? The sequence unfolds, at times echoing the Cardano motif, to remind us of the foundational structure from which everything stems. Cardano Circles is a fusion of music, technology, and mathematics to craft a captivating abstraction of an age-old mechanical concept. It was a pleasure to work in synergy with Max as we blended our ideas throughout the process — we sincerely hope you find as much joy in experiencing it as we did in creating it.

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Max Cooper - Vertebrae / Forgotten Places feat. Kathrin deBoer


Max Cooper: There is part of my live visual show where I've been delving into drum and bass, and I needed something to rip through the fabric of space. This was the result. I tried to complement the screaming synths sections with lots of detailed improvisations and modulations of Kathrin's voice, to give some of my usual structure to what is otherwise a pretty straight up club track. The themes of hidden beauty in the urban landscape and reclamation by nature were tackled by the director and artist Conner Griffith. He created a technique for turning cities into layered Escher-esc scenes, with structures and human activity mapped to the elements of the music, and specifically designed for my 3D AV live shows which the music was also built for. Conner Griffith: The initial visual experiments for this project involved using a drone to take static videos of buildings, then shaping those images in After Effects to give them an isometric perspective. I knew from there I’d effectively be left with these puzzle pieces that could be linked together to build larger, more complex, fictional landscapes. I was also exploring reductive video processing techniques like thresholds and edge detection, and finding that the lack of visual information was allowing for some pretty interesting spatial layering. Through both the photographic process in the field, and post-processing at home, I was forced to contend with the cultural context of the mediums I was working with, namely drones and video. I became interested in this top-down, aerial gaze that is familiar to us not only through drones, but satellites, GPS systems, video-games, security cameras, etc. It was interesting not only to see how dehumanizing it can be to human figures, but also the effect it had on architecture and larger infrastructures. Buildings take on a 3D- model quality, and design features are accentuated and typologized, leaving them feeling hollow and uninhabited, but also somehow editable, as if their source code has been revealed. Max’s track 'Vertebrae' ended up being a perfect template to explore some of these Ideas. There is such great attention to detail throughout the track that, to me, it felt like there was world-building that had already been done sonically; my job was to develop a visual representation of the world that I felt the music painted. Kathrin deBoer's haunting vocal performance and scatting provides a quintessentially human component as well, one that is reflected in the pedestrians that inhabit these spaces. From our elevated perspective, we look down at a world that is tracked and quantified, viewing it through a system that has crushed the fidelity of reality to a digital pulp, while simultaneously building on that reality, compounding it with layers of additional data. Both of these directions of manipulation are drawn out to their extremes until we are left with a new kind of landscape, built out of the limitations and imagination of a computing system and its relationship to us and our planet.

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