Adrián de Alfonso - La cara estúpida del ritmo
The solo rituals of a traveler embarking on a journey of awakening, delusions of grandeur, and the timeless yearnings of the soul.
Ommatidium Studios is a new media artists’ collective based out of Edmonton, Canada. Ommatidium Studios uses cutting edge digital technologies to elevate storytelling in visual art. Working in tandem with artists from around the globe; Ommatidium mobiles machine learning, WebGL systems, game engines, and creative coding to enhance both 2D and 3D video storytelling. The goal of Ommatidium’s work is at its core deeply collaborative and intersectional, mobilizing a wide range of talents and backgrounds to create visual stories which encompass a vast array of artistic disciplines. The Canadian base of Ommatidium consists of Evan Pearce, Joshua Tokarsky and Graeme Haunholter. The third, international member of Ommatidium is The Glad Scientist.