Egypt's ancient zar ritual
At Cairo's Makan Cultural Centre, the Mazaher ensemble performs a lighter version of "zar", an music and dance ritual with centuries-old roots, that aims to ward off or exorcise jinn, or evil spirits.
Interactive sound installation. Sequencer-synthesizer with 240 steps, that allows to create rhythmic compositions. Object has complex control system with possibility to add or delete "voices", change tempo of whole sequence or individually for each voice, to change number and direction of steps. The project is created specially for Open Codes exhibition in ZKM center, dedicated to codes and programming in art. On one side, ivy is a representation of an archaic method of electronic music programming for analog synthesizers. On the other side - gigantic scale and obsessive multiplication of simple primitive elements turns this project into an art installation, that is referring to the topic of graphic and physical organization of parameters in electronic music.