Adrián de Alfonso - La cara estúpida del ritmo
The solo rituals of a traveler embarking on a journey of awakening, delusions of grandeur, and the timeless yearnings of the soul.
Production Company: @AntigravityAcademy AGA Producer: @claire.dcp Producer: Katie White @katiewhitetoday 1st AD: Lauren Bates @bloody_lip_productions Production Manager: Matthew John Benton @matthewjohnbenton DP: Patrick Jones @patrick_jones 1st AC: Terra Gutmann-Gonzalez @terragutgonz 2nd AC: Melisse Sporn @mlispo VFX: Kyle Dettman, Igor Eyth, Yura Karikh Additional VFX: Magdalena Bay Colorist: Avery Niles @avery_niles Gaffer: Nate Thomson @natethomson1 BBE: Taylor Balfour @taylor_balfour Key Grip: Carl Stewart @stewartcarl BBG: Riley Prichard @rileyy.coyote Production Designer: Alexah Acuña @cinnamon_hands Art Director: Parhom Jamshidi @dan_lathers Costume Designer: Krissie Torgenson @krissieee Costume Assistant: Taryn Hickey @ttsayswoah Truck PA: Enrique “kiwi” Reyes @kiwi_foo Production Assistant: Sean Jacobson @seanlolwut Production Assistant: Saige Kristian @saigeyk Makeup Artist: Edwin Monzon @edwinmonzon Makeup Artist: Fernanda Machado @pompberry