Cruel Santino - BEAUTIFUL NOTHING (ft. Gus Dapperton)    
Cruel Santino - BEAUTIFUL NOTHING (ft. Gus Dapperton)    
Visual world of final heaven. Subaru Boys! Experimental vision of analog and digital vibrations with our amazing team. Experimental reshoots with a use of 6 different cameras, analog screens, 3D transformations, custom 3D frames transformed through reshoots, light layering, printing patterns etc. Huge thanks to Santi for the initiative. Messages through textures and colors. 1-10 - documentation: Mixed media team: Concept: @cruelsantino @savemymind Creative direction: @savemymind @stukovnikov Editing: @stukovnikov @wildkuhn CGI Artists: @wies _boy Analog reshoots: @stukovnikov Mixed Media Artists: @renard oui @po.sox Producer: @sinyusofia Postproduction Producer: @vilchinskii Titles: @wies.
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