Tadáskía's monumental wall drawing in progress    
Tadáskía's monumental wall drawing in progress    
In this timelapse, watch the artist Tadáskía produce an expansive wall drawing in response to the blank gallery space. For "Projects: Tadáskía,” the artist's first solo exhibition in the United States, she worked at MoMA over the course of several weeks, drawing directly on the wall using charcoal. She invited a team of coloring assistants to help fill in her drawing with colors chosen from her kaleidoscopic palette of dry pastels. Color is fundamentally important to the artist's practice. As Tadáskía has explained, "When I was drawing, my mother, Elenice Guarani, and my aunt, Gracilene Guarani, who are both Black, Afro-Indigenous women, told me to add more color because color is life."
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