Thomas Jarrett

Tom is a Barcelona based 2D Animator and Director from London. Represented by Dreambear in New York and 1984 in Berlin. He is known for experimenting with lines, shapes and colour to bring a psychedelic and playful aesthetic to his animations. He does so by using a unique hand drawn frame by frame technique. His focus is bringing alive a mind bending vision, heavily influenced by 90’s MTV cartoons, metamorphosis and unique transitions. Merging animation and live action with an innovative blend and taking viewers on new unexpected journey.

Role: director



Foster The People - Lamb's Wool

The LA based indie pop band is back with their latest single and a visual trip directed by Barcelona based animator, Thomas Jarrett. Animators: Loki Fellows Callum Welch Hakim Ismail Harriet Titlow Color: James Downes Eloá Vasconcelos Uriel Silva

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