Norman Wong

Role: director



Nemahsis - Coloured Concrete

Production Company: Denim @producedbydenim EP: Christian Tyler @christianandtyler Producer: Cam Frengopoulos @camfrengo DOP: Peter Hadfield @peter_hadfield PD: David Dennis @daviddennisjr PM: Amber Warus @a__m__b__s__ Gaffer: John Mauch Key Grip: Nick Julian @nickytheglasses 1st AC: Nick Petrie @ontariopeach Editor: Michael Barker at Outsider @michaelbbarker @outsidereditorial Colour: Kath Raisch at Company3 @kathraisch @company_3 Finishing: Studio Feather @studiofeather Styled by: Lilyana Khoshaba




Nemahsis - i wanna be your right hand

Gaffer: Ryan Hernandez Key Grip: TJ Richardson 1st AC: Matt Veen 2nd AC: @tom_wood_photo Styling and Makeup Assist: @lil.sweeets3 Set Dresser: @x.karilyn Coordinator: @chi____ara Best Boy: Tarek Smith Best Boy Grip: Sean Correia Swing: Michael Torelli Swing: Kristoff Gallimore BTS: @cruz.shipp Production Assistant: @lawraines Production Assistant: Hayden Gallagher Office PA: @tothcommajulianna

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