MSHR is the art collective of Birch Cooper and Brenna Murphy. The duo collaboratively builds and explores systems composed of sound, light, sculpture, software and circuitry. Their practice is a self-transforming cybernetic entity with its outputs patched into its inputs, the resulting emergent form serving as its navigational system. These outputs primarily take the form of installations and performances that integrate interface design with generative systems and a distinctive formalist approach. MSHR's name is a modular acronym, designed to hold varied ideas over time. MSHR emerged from the art collective Oregon Painting Society in 2011 in Portland, Oregon.

Role: sound



Frame Wave

Installed at Calm & Punk Gallery in Tokyo during October 2019. This piece is a composition that unfolds through the exploration of the observer. It consists of a computer music system inside a virtual reality environment, inside a physical installation, forming a nesting loop.




MSHR - Wave Guide Edifice

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