Manami Sakamoto

Manami started her career as a VJ in 2010 and has been active in Tokyo clubs, such as WOMB, Sound Museum Vision, ageHa, and VENT. She has performed at many large festivals such as Fujirock Festival, Summer Sonic, Ultra Japan, Mutek.JP. . As a Visual Director, Manami directed and VJ for Ganban Stage at Fujirock Festival, as well as creating the festival's visual concept in 2019. Not only in Japan, she is active overseas in events such as ZOUK OUT, an electronic dance music festival held in Singapore with a scale of 30,000 (appearing for three consecutive years since 2013), Awakenings Festival, largest techno music festival in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2019 ), and urban art music festival "New Forms Festival" (2019) in Vancouver, Canada. Manami offers video works in various fields, such as fashion shows, concerts, and music videos, with a focus in motion graphics and CG. The spacial experience which comes from her visual design being a VJ, is highly acclaimed.

Role: visuals
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