Jonathan Monaghan

Jonathan Monaghan is an American computer animator and artist. He received his BFA in computer graphics from the New York Institute of Technology. Monaghan then went on to receive a MFA from the University of Maryland.

Role: animator



Escape Pod

Escape Pod chronicles a golden deer through dreamlike environments of affluence and authority. In the work we encounter a riot gear boutique, immigration checkpoints, a duty-free store in the clouds, and a ultra-luxurious designer bedroom. Composed of one continuous tracking shot and maintaining commercial glossiness, the video installation envisions a dystopic world consumed by material desire and wealth. 2015. video (color, sound), media player, screen or projector, 20 min loop. Music by Furniteur.




Out of the Abyss

Weaving imagery from modern consumerism with symbols and narratives associated with the Apocalypse, Out of the Abyss is an immersive video installation created with CGI animation. Visually extravagant, the work re-imagines elements such as the seven-eyed lamb and the four horsemen as terrifying beasts of the present day, adorned with security cameras, riot gear, and consumer electronics. The work suggests an unsustainable and fraught relationship between technology and materialism, and the natural world. Out of the Abyss can be exhibited as a single channel or a 3-channel installation.

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