Felix Moser

Role: producer



Tangerine Dream - Raum

The video was shot on a Canon Super-8 camera, documenting Tangerine Dream’s creation process at their Berlin studio space and the surrounding neighborhood of Neukölln.




Hainbach - Schwebungssummer

Schwebungssummer exorcises early 90s memories of a recurring false awakening, followed by a headfirst float towards a dark portal. Therefore, images search for the uncanny in the park, the near autobahn tunnel or the canal. Shot as a constant zoom, this visual is highlighted by classic rotoscope sequences and 2D-animations. Absorbed by ordinary objects, like a loop, entering scenario after scenario; and this incredible need to repeat. It is a hybrid of references to Ralph Bakshi’s early movies, infused by Freud's concept of repetition compulsion (German: Wiederholungszwang). Story by Felix Moser and Nani Gutiérrez

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