Evan Pearce

Evan Pearce performs under Notfortheireyes, is a Video Editor, VJ, Creative Director and Producer. Evan began his career by editing music videos with found footage, and credits this as being the catalyst in his pursuit of visual arts. Evan’s primary artistic disciplines are VJing (the manipulation of media in real-time to cultivate a generative and unified atmosphere with the performers and audience in synchronization to music) and New Media (an art form that makes use of new and emerging technologies). Evan is exploring the depths of Extended Reality(XR), an umbrella term for Virtual Reality(VR) and Augmented Reality(AR), coupled with the use of Artificial Intelligence(AI). Evan has not limited himself to a certain technique. Always approaching his craft as a vessel for continual abstract expression, Evan strives to learn new methods to leave the viewer feeling simultaneously disturbed and in awe by their visual experience. Evan has performed around the globe. In 2014 he received a travel grant from the Edmonton Arts Council to perform at Berlin Psych Fest. Since then he has performed at Nuit Blanche Edmonton in 2015, Levitation Vancouver in 2015/ 2016, Sled Island 2015-19, New Forms Festival and most recently MUTEK San Francisco: NEXUS Experience, Bass Coast: Pixel Virtual Festival and Nelson International Mural Festival, to name a few. In the fall of 2018 he toured across North America with Gus Dapperton and Beskhen as their VJ. He has worked with artists such as: Cartel Madras, Minimal Violence, Preoccupations, Little Snake, HomeSick, The Librarian, Overland, Bloodslide and AV Dummy. He held a residency from 2017-19 at a warehouse space called Transient where he VJ'd at after hours raves. In early 2020, Evan Pearce received The Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Emerging Artist Award for his work at the intersection of music, video, and leading-edge technology.

Role: designer
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